
For Township Management

Asset Tracking and Depreciation

Inexpensive and user-friendly software that gives municipalities a way to record all of their assets and track where they are, when and how they are disposed of, and most importantly their depreciation value.

No longer will audits show missing or inaccurate values for depreciation. Furniture, computers and electronics, vehicles — are easily entered into the software's database, along with purchase date and cost. Pictures of the items can be taken and uploaded as well. Barcoded labels can be printed and affixed to the asset, which can then be scanned during annual audits to verify that they are still in possession. Disposal of an asset requires multiple layers of approval, ensuring that no item is removed without proper approval.

Reports list all assets with depreciation values based on your choice of full-month, half-month, mid-month, half-year, or actual day convention, and reflects your fiscal year.

Budgeting Software

We are experienced at creating software that gives department heads a way to enter their budget requests for the following year (or years) by fund and account. This provides an easy and accurate way for the Finance Director to review, approve, and print the budget in a time-saving way.

Adding and editing budget requests directly from a graphic interface that lets the user see the entire picture of their department's requests simplifies the budget process. Reports print individual department and fund budgeting during the review process, and a printout for final budget once approved.

Assessor Property Look-Up Software

Our Township Assessor web software lets residents and realtors to look up assessed values on your township website, saving you countless hours of answering phone requests. We can customize the search and display to meet your needs.

We provide several user-friendly methods to search for properties. By:

Lists of results allow comparisons, and choosing any property takes the user to a detailed property card, showing property, building, and sales information. Photos, if available, are displayed, and a printer-friendly page can be used for output.

Website Development

Is it time to update your website for a fresher, modern interface? Or have you put off developing a site for your municipality? We develop sites and have many satisfied clients. An attractive, easy-to-navigate site attracts residents to return for town announcements, services, and answers to their questions, saving you time answering phone calls, and providing a valuable service to your constituents.

Meeting Minutes and Agendas can be viewed and downloaded, as well as FOIA and other forms. The website can also provide a Property Assessment Search for township Assessors.

Well-Being Check

Daily well-being phone calls to seniors provide peace of mind to recipients and their families. Users provide the time of day, and days of week they wish to receive calls. Responding to the call shows they are well, and no response starts calls to friends and family of the respondent who in turn respond when they are reached. They can then follow-up with their loved one to get them help. If no friend or family member can be reached, there is an option to reach out to 911.

Contact Township Tools

For a free consultation and proposal contact Ken Johnson at moc.slootnwotym@nosnhojk